The HPR training starts from puppy hood right through to more advanced training. Covering such aspects as obedience, retrieving, hunting and pointing, which is the behaviour specific to the HPR breeds.
The thing that separates these great dogs is their hunting and pointing. Our hunting classes aim to utilise their hunting abilities and to teach you how to best work them in the field.
We cover in the sessions replicate aspects of shooting with our dogs. The handling training we do helps you control your dog whilst at a distance and allows you to get ready for working them on a shoot, if that’s your goal.We are very lucky to have numerous working test awards as well as field trial awards with our Hungarian Vizslas.
We also explore flushing, introducing fur and feather as well as gunshot and when they are ready introducing them to game.
We are very lucky to have had awards in working test and field trial awards with spaniels.
We aim at starting your puppy off in the right direction, building you and your dogs confidence and helping you build the perfect partnership.
We cover all the basics including:
Hunting or quartering
Marked retrieving
Memory retrieving
Blind retrieving
Handling left, right and back
Sit or stop whistle
and other bits and pieces!